From The Dragon Heart
From The Dragon Heart
Practical Story Magic with Chaise Rocco Levy

Practical Story Magic with Chaise Rocco Levy

Weaving kinship through reclamating fugitive culture hidden in old stories.

Hello global kin,

It’s been a good while since the last share here.. my apologies for the absence; summer was full of travel as I continue to ride the liminal that is this life-chapter (whether I like it or not).

And now with the onset of Autumn, as the nights begin to grow long and brisk, the leaves reveal their true colors, and the Gods of the Wild Hunt begin to ride in on the western winds, I turn my attention more inward, and back to a few writing projects for this publication, which will emerge in the coming weeks and months.

Stay tuned as well for a few podcast episodes to be released soon, starting with today!

Today I have the pleasure to share this recent conversation with Chaise Rocco Levy, a dear friend, regular collaborator on FTDH, co-founder of brother-publication, The Northern Spirit House, and a witch-story-magic teacher of mine.

We discuss the seeds of magic secreted inside stories, and how to go about finding and watering those seeds.

This was a riveting conversation - it’s always a gift to have Chaise in our midsts.

As mentioned in the episode, check out Chaise’s upcoming STORY MAGIC course, SKALDSKAPR here and subscribe to Chaise’s Sorcerer newsletter, Twisted Fire, here

Until another love-fire soon,

John Wolfstone, Ute, Arapahoe and Cheyenne Lands, Northern Colorado

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From The Dragon Heart
From The Dragon Heart
a Love-Fire of Myth, Mystery and Magic in Service to Cultural Redemption hosted by Initiatory Witch John Wolfstone.
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John Wolfstone